Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final Post

Part A:


1.Paste the url of the reviewed blog first.


2.      Why did the blog draw your interest as you started reviewing it, why not?

a.       Because I didn’t have any group presentations with him.

3.      How much care did the blog author show for her or his blog? How can you tell?

a.       His blogs were descriptive and met the criteria which shows he did care for his blog.

4.      How would you rate the overall informative quality on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)

a.       5/5

5.      How would you rate the readability of the blog on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)

a.       5/5

6.      Compared to your own blog, is the reviewed blog better, the same, or worse?

a.       I would say this blog is better because I missed a couple blog post




1.                  Paste the url of the reviewed blog first


2.                  Why did the blog draw your interest as you started reviewing it, why not?

                                                              i.      As I was looking through the list I chose people who I didn’t have group meetings with

3.                  How much care did the blog author show for her or his blog? How can you tell?

a.       She cared for her blog, it was neat and organized the color adds to it as well and makes it vibrant.

4.                  How would you rate the overall informative quality on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)

a.       5/5

5.                  How would you rate the readability of the blog on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)


6.                  Compared to your own blog, is the reviewed blog better, the same, or worse?

a.       Better since I missed a few blogs



1.         Paste the url of the reviewed blog first


2.         Why did the blog draw your interest as you started reviewing it, why not?

i.          As I was looking through the list I chose people who I didn’t have group meetings with

3.         How much care did the blog author show for her or his blog? How can you tell?

a.         She cared for her blog, it was neat and organized the color adds to it as well and makes it vibrant.

4.         How would you rate the overall informative quality on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)

a.         5/5

5.         How would you rate the readability of the blog on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)


6.         Compared to your own blog, is the reviewed blog better, the same, or worse?

a.         Better since I missed a few blogs




1.         Paste the url of the reviewed blog first


2.         Why did the blog draw your interest as you started reviewing it, why not?

i.          As I was looking through the list I chose people who I didn’t have group meetings with

3.         How much care did the blog author show for her or his blog? How can you tell?

a.         He was missing quite a few important blogs It doesn’t seem like he’s been in the class since September.

4.         How would you rate the overall informative quality on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)

a.         1/5

5.         How would you rate the readability of the blog on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)


6.         Compared to your own blog, is the reviewed blog better, the same, or worse?

a.         Worse, although I missed some blogs I did not miss the important ones or as many as he did



Part B. When I registered for this class I was looking for a filler class for one of my goals, but as the semester closes I took more from it than just knowing one of my goals are complete. I think my favorite part about the class and something that should never be taken out of the syllabus is the book “All Quiet on the Western Front”. I think it would be a huge mistake if that book wasn’t included in classes again and the one thing I would have changed was that we spend more time on the book. I knew a fair amount about Germany but have always been curious about the war and the military. The book illustrated what young men went through and how the war changes people and wars still do today. Being a daughter of a retired colonial and engaged to a soldier gives me my interest in war and the effects it leaves on soldiers. This is also why I chose the topics I did on our research topics at the end. Overall it was a great class and I would highly recommend it to other students. The blog portion was different than what I am used to but it was fun doing something other than quizzes and exams for once, I thought it fit with the atmosphere of the class.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Baader Meinhof Complex

The Baader Meinhof Complex film was directed by Uli Edel. The film is based on the 1985 German best selling non-fiction book of the same name by Stefan Aust. This movie also tells the story of early years West German far left militant group known as the Red Army Faction (RAF) during 1967-1977. The film was nominated for best foreign language film at the 81st Academy awards and also a golden globe for best foreign language film.
The movie takes place in Germany in 1970.  Murderous bomb attacks, the threat of terrorism and the fear of the enemy inside rock the fragile foundations of the fragile German Democracy. The radicalised children of the Nazi generation lead by Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof and Gudrun Ensslin are fighting a violent war against what they perceive as the new face of fascism: American imperialism supported by the Germans, many of which have a Nazi past. Their goal is to create a more human society but by employing inhuman means they not only spread terror and bloodshed, they also lose their own humanity. The man who understands them is also their hunter: the head of the German police force Horst Herold. And while he succeeds in his relentless pursuit of the young terrorists, he knows he's only dealing with the tip of the iceberg.
The RAF describes themselves as a communist and anti imperialist urban guerilla group engaged in armed resistance against what they viewed a fascist state. Members of the RAF generally used the Marxist-Leninist  term"Faction" when they wrote in English. This group was viewed as a terrorist organization by the German Government.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Role of the Military in Germany during the 20th and 21st Century

    The "Bundeswehr" is the unified armed forces of Germany. It consist of 4 branches including: the Heer (Army), Marine (Navy), Luftwaffe (Air force), Streitkraftebasis (Joint support service) and the Zentraker Sanitatsdrenst (Joint Medical Service). Bundeswehr was established on Nov. 12th 1955, the most important feature was their orientation as citizen defenders of a democratic state.

   After the cold war  responsibility for the security of Germany as a whole was rested with the four allied powers of the US, UK, France, and the Soviet Union. Since the 1990s Germanys armed forces have become much more involved in international operations such as Afghanistan during Operation Endure Freedom to assist the US military and were also involved in Kosovo as well. A major event for the German armed forces was in 2011 when they had to cut down on the number of military bases as well as the number of soldiers. This even is often criticized by other countries including the US.

Relations to Germany's immediate neighbors during the 18th-19th Century

    One of the most important relationships during these centuries for Germany was their relationship with France.  In the 18th century the rise of Prussia as a new German Power started the Diplomatic Revolution which is also known as the "great changes of partners." During this time it started with Britain and Austria vs. France and Russia which then became France and Austria vs. Britain and Russia during the Diplomatic Revolution.

     France and Germanys relations have had three grand periods: Heredity Enmity, Reconciliation (1945-1963), start of the special relationship known as the Franco-German Friendship in 1963. The heredity enmity was the idea of unavoidably hostile relations between the French and Germany that was finally overcome after world war II. For the EU the cooperation between the two countries reached coordination and collaboration. France and Germany are known as the core countries and most enthusiastic for the further integration of the EU. 

    During the first half of the 19th century Germans looked for unification of the states, and the nationalist movement believed that a unified Germany would allow them to replace France as the dominant land power in Europe. The Unification of Germany was triggered by the Franco German War, and the Germany was viewed as the ones who replaced the leading power of France. Germany was finally unified in 1862 after the France -Prussian War.